P.O. BOX 914
32231 Trabuco Creek Rd, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679
Click Here: Check this video out!
Chili Cook Off Video from a Giant Telemaster with twin DLE30s and a pan/tilt GoPro HD. Great video of our field
The Flying Site
Click for another Video Fly Over
The Main Facilities Building, complete with a surrounding porch, provides a place for our members and their guests to relax in a climate controlled atmosphere while enjoying the camaraderie of their friends. The building has been expanded to add restrooms, with hot and cold water, a storage area and full kitchen facilities. Enjoy watching TV, Music, a Computer Flight Simulator or just kick back on a couch.
Flying Times
Our Flying site is open seven (7) days a week from 9:00 AM until dusk for members and their guests only unless there is a special event. We are a private club and not open to the general public. Special event days allow for night flying and camping.
Flight Line Shade Area
Permanent shade shelters have been installed along the Flight Line / Pit Area to provide shaded areas for the members, guest, planes and provide comfort for everyone. Tables and chairs are supplied as well. All we ask is that you assist in putting them away when your finished using them.
Asphalt Runway and Taxiway
The asphalt runway is 565' long and 50' wide complete with a 220' long and 15' wide taxiway. The pit area is located along the taxiway, with five pilot flying stations between the pits and runway. The field is controlled from an ATC tower for safety during busy fly times and special events.
Picnic & Shade Area
There are barbeque grills next to the building available for outdoor cooking. Close by, under the large Live Oak Trees, are picnic tables to sit at while eating and conversing with your fellow members and their guests. Food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers etc., including rolls and condiments, hot and cold beverages, are also available in the refrigerator / freezers for your convenience. A small donation is required for the food and drinks with all profits going to the operation of the organization.